Creato da Associazione Italiana Favismo - Ora gestito da volontari

Saggi e articoli in italiano:

Articles and Research Papers in English:

  • Haemolysis during diabetic ketoacidosis Haemolysis during diabetic ketoacidosis treatment in two
    girls with incomplete glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency Maria Katrin Errico, Brunella Iovane, Anna Bernardini, Dimitra Gliati, Chiara Scarabello, Valentina Fainardi, Giovanni Chiari1, Mario Savi2 and Maurizio Vanelli1 Post-graduate School of Paediatrics, 1 Regional Centre for Children and Adolescents with Diabetes, 2 Genetic Unit of the Department of Medicine and Nephrology, University and University Hospital of Parma, Parma, Italy
  • Brucellosi g6pd Brucellosis Triggering Hemolytic Anemia in Glucose-6-Phosphate DehydrogenaseDeficiency Gulsum Emel Pamuk a Aygul Dogan Celik b Mehmet Sevki Uyanık ca Division of Hematology, b Department of Clinical Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases and c Department of Internal Medicine, Trakya University Medical Faculty, Edirne, Turkey.
G6PD and cardiovascular diseases 
  • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and cardiac surgery N Dogra1, GD Puri1, SS Rana2. Here, we describe the successful anaesthetic management of two G6PD-deficient children who underwent cardiac surgery, on and off CPB, without any obvious haemolytic reaction, followed by a discussion of the disorder, with specific consideration of perioperative management of such case.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and G6PD Deficiency