Created by Associazione Italiana Favismo Deficit di G6PD onlus – now administered by volunteers


While all effort has been made to ensure that the information offered as part of this site is correct and up-to-date, neither the authors of included content, nor the Associazione Italiana Favism - Deficit di G6PD, which created the site, nor the volunteers who are now administering it, and third party information providers warrant that the information is accurate and complete. Under no circumstances shall the above be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use of said information, nor shall they be liable for errors or omissions. 

The purpose of this site is to offer the reader a background information on favism. This Web site is neither intended nor equipped to provide a diagnosis on request or suggest a cure for specific cases. These should be sought by consulting a physician. No recommendation brought herein should be followed without prior consultation with your physician.